Hey , yo , yo , yo . lt ' s malcolm x from st . francis 嘿,哟,哟,哟那是圣弗朗西斯来的马尔科姆
At the time malcolm x was speaking . . 当马尔科姆在发言时
At the time malcolm x was speaking . . 当马尔科姆在发言时
At the time malcolm x was speaking 当马尔科姆在发言时
Spike lee , celebrated director of race - issue dramas such as do the right thing and malcolm x , has surprised everyone with his latest film 曾执导过《为所应为》和《马尔科姆? x 》等种族题材剧作的著名导演? ?斯派克?李,以一部最新的电影令所有人为之一惊。
It reached north america in the sixties and we experienced the civil rights movements - one pacifist ( dr king ) and one more revolutionary ( malcolm x and the panthers ) 它在六十年代进入北美洲,我们经历了民权运动? ?一种和平主义(马丁路德金博士) ,还有更加革命性的(马尔科姆x和黑豹) 。